*Elvis Thompson*
The Website

Content section

This website was made in HTML as a project for a coding class. Futher content was supposed be added, including a downloadable 2D platformer.

My Schedule

  1. O'Connell's Advanced Java Coding Class (Mr O'Connell)
  2. P.E. (Coach Salter)
  3. Government AP (Mr. Ashol)
  4. Art 3 (Mrs. Hickman)
  5. Biology (Mrs. Brooks)
  6. Algebra 2 Honors (Mrs. Goudeau)
  7. English 2 Gifted (Mr. Piglia)

Sniper on Thunder Mountain

Sniper on Thunder Mountain,-Team Fortress 2

My Intrests

  1. TF2
  2. L4D2
  3. Japan
  4. (Formerly) Evan Shoultz (Evan Shoultz has asked that I remove mention of him from this section, I will not)

Intrest #5: Daidouji my Beloved Wife <3